Wednesday, February 13, 2008

i do not like valentine's day.

never have. 

i had awful elementary/junior high experiences and let's just say i do not celebrate this day of enhanced loneliness, shattered expectations, and awkwardness. i already did my love-celebrating. i LOVE that brady's and my anniversary overshadows this disgusting fake holiday.

today was another fold-fest. i kind of don't mind it. i've always loved folding my laundry. laundry is my favorite chore. 

tonight i've just been hanging out on the couch. i tried out cashmere mafia a couple weeks ago and turns out, i actually like it. i expected it to be a knock-off sex & the city...but it's not. if you don't believe me watch it online. i do however remain loyal to SATC as the #1 chick show. i decided to pop in a little late 4th season and early 5th to relax me after the long day. they're the ones where carrie cuts her hair and starts writing for vogue. i thought it was appropriate since i'm going thru long-hair withdrawals and have started a new job that i'm not-so-good-at yet. 

good thing i have the entire series. there's a season for everything you're going through. plus it reminds you that you always have your friends. i miss mine a lot. 



Shivonne said...

i'm not sure if i hate valentines day or not...i've never really thought about it as i've never had a valentine to speak of- but i definately think it is very cookie cutter and i support your stance against it...
also agree about satc...i wish i had some episodes to watch and think about friends and cry along to about now...
love you and glad you blogged!

Ivy said...

you're a hoot. I like casmere mafia too! And lipstick jungle started Nast week and I like that one too.. I miss you pretty girl.

Whitney said...

l dee...i miss you. im glad you are enjoying work more now, and why is laundry your favorite chore?! you are so weird. ivy and i just talked about how we DO NOT have favorite chores. that's why they are chores. but i guess if i had to choose one, it would be vaccuming. you, girl. miss you like crazy!

Ivy said...

i miss you. and i just wanted to say that im pretty sure this blog idea you had was the best one ever in the tnire world that anyone has ever had.

love love love forever loving you.