ivy tagged me in another one of these blog thingies, she's so crazy :)
i have to list 5 things about myself that i think are sexy...

1. eye contact. it's all in the eye contact.
2. i think my pj's are sort of sexy. at the corporate store at fossil, they've had men's button down shirts on sale for a dollar (yes, a dollar). so i got a few big ones to sleep in. they are really comfy.
3. something about music is sexy. i don't play an instrument and i don't know a whole lot about music, but sometimes when i listen to particular things i feel sexy. and i like to dance and sing alone in my room :)
4. i'm going to steal one from ivy: i'm a pretty playful person.
5. i'd like to think that i'm not openly sexy. i don't really want to try to be sexy, because not trying and actually being sexy...is sexy. in my opinion.
when are you going to get me a $1 shirt? eh? eh? i think there is some sort of lingerie shower looming in the future!
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