this past week has been a whirlwind. ever since i found out i got the job at fossil, it's been go-go-go. austin to arlington to florida to arlington to austin and back again. it's been pretty crazy, but super fun.brady and i on our sunset BOOZE CRUISE. we went with my parents. i had a pina colada that was yum and there was a guy playing cover songs on the guitar while the boat took us to the best view of the sunset.
my mom made us do a kissing picture. notice how awkward we look. however, this is the best picture with the sun setting in the background. lovely.
me with the fam on graduation day!
can i just tell you that all the fashion majors felt so out of place at the college of natural sciences commencement...
"you'll all be the health care professionals, the scientists, the nobel prize winners...blah blah blah nerdy talk blah."

brady had the brilliant idea of going to the oasis on lake travis after graduation. we had a great time! beautiful view, no wait, and a lovely lunch with friends and family.
the moment you've all been waiting for...
it freaking rocked.
i love my job.
Laura Dudney
Product Coordinator
Fossil and Relic Men's Eyewear
it will be more decorated soon...i have a bit of work to do.
i met my team and we all went to lunch, everyone is so sweet. they all made me feel so welcome. i'm literally excited about going there every day.
once i get in a rhythm i'll be able to describe what it is that i do better...
until then, don't you just love my cubie?!
i sure do.
ok i gotta go to bed, i'm a workin' girl now.
you're so awesome...and did i mention how super proud i am of you!?! because i am. and jealous...look at you with your fabulous job complete with professional cubie and all. you must give more details on the job...have fun working woman!
you looked SO cute on your first day! i am so proud of my little loml! what a working girl! i love you! and you looked gorgeous on graduation day too! i miss you and cant wait to see you next weekend!
yay :) congrats on LIFE!! im excited for youuu. you're the perfect little fashionista :)
I can't wait to hear more about your job! How is the apt hunting going. Where are you thinking about living? Aw, so excited for you and looks like your vacation was wonderful!
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