i found an apartment and i move in on june 2. that's a week from today. YIKES!

i absolutely love this place. it's less than 5 miles from Fossil,
it's gated, and has 2 beautiful pools, lovely landscaping (very pet-friendly), a workout facility, basketball courts, 2 duck ponds/lakes that have walking/jogging trails around them, and it's in a GREAT part of Richardson.

i got a GREAT price on a 1-1 that's 720 square feet. perfect amount of space for boston and me. since i work til 5 every day and will be in austin for april's wedding (YAY!) the first weekend i have the place, i'm just going to hire movers to move all my furniture and big boxes over on the 5th or so, and just drop stuff by on my way home from work until i have time to set everything up.
bethany and lauren said they'd come over the first weekend i'm home and help me get settled, and dani is coming the weekend after that to stay with me and help decorate! she's got the best creative eye i know and is going to help me make my apt FABULOUS. i'm so pumped!
as excited as i am about all this, i'm also kind of scared.
the only things i've really been looking forward to are 1. getting a great job. and 2. getting my own apartment.
what next?
these are the things i've been working for the past 4 years. my life has been ever-changing with classes, semesters, jobs, moving every year - and now i've found the things i've been craving but at the same time...it's terrifying. what will i do when i get everything settled in my new place and realize that things are not going to change anytime soon? freaky. all i know is working hard for the next big thing. what happens when you get what you've been working for?
sure, i'll work hard at my job to be the best i can be and to get promotions...hopefully there will be a marriage somewhere in the next 5 years or so...some babies after that...
but that freaks me out too! HELLO? i am a frickin adult. i still feel like a kid. maybe that's why i'm scared of all this. i'm still afraid of the stupid dark. i'm going to sleep with my light on every night and then have an outrageous electric bill and then go broke.
these are the things that go through my head.
thus, why i feel like someone who is pretending to be grown up.
sorry for the rant. the more i wrote about my apartment the freakier i started to feel. ok bye.
yo dang, girl! thats a mighty fly pad you got going on there!! ha...but it seriously looks amazing and just like you described it to me on the phone. i cant wait to break it in!!!
reunion at your place is going to be AMAZING!! i couldnt be happier for you in this time in your life. youre so successful!! thats amazing, and im so jealous. it will all be so great, so try not to worry about it too much. i know you will make the best of it, and i really dont think that you will feel there isnt much else to come or much more change in your life. youll be surprised...your life will be WAY exciting.
love. miss. cant wait to see you SO SOOOOOOOON!
ummmm your apartment complex looks like the coolest place everrrrr. i want a lake!?
ps- i feel ya on not knowing what to do after you don't have that "next thing" to obsess over. but basically, now God can just do STUFF. because YOU have no agenda. fun.
love youuuuu and im HAPPY that your life is good :)
oh laura...i love your random crazy rambling jibberish freak out...but don't fret love-there's always something to live for and strive after even if it's just the little things in life. i mean, i feel accomplished when i manage to make my bed in the morning before work, or eat my recommended 5 a day fruit and veggies, or send that email i've been putting off time and time again. i guess i really am a live in the moment kind of girl, but there is so much to be enjoyed and lived to the fullest every single day, even if it isn't a "big" achievement or goal you think you have to set for yourself. you deserve to relish in your accomplishment at the moment, have fun discovering new things about your job and yourself, and turn your new digs into the most awesomest apartment EVER! i love you and am so proud of all you've achieved! get it girl!
p.s. i can't WAIT to get to visit your new grown up residence!
im going to need you to get internet so you can update your blog.
k thanks.
love you forcer loml
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