my parents and i flew in to Tampa, FL on thursday and stayed with my mema before heading out to our final vacation destination on friday. i am now on the lovely island of Captiva, near Fort Meyers, Florida. my parents rented a 2-bedroom condo and we are walking distance to golf, tennis, a lovely pool, and the ocean. brady gets in tonight to join the fun, which will be very nice. my parents decided to give me my graduation gift before we left (they said i might want to use it...).
and it's a canon rebel digital professional camera...and it's amazing. i have 3 different lenses (2 of them are from my mom's old pro camera) and i've been LOVING it. it also comes with 10 free lessons on how to use it! watch out, ya'll. i might just become a pro photog. here are some pics i took recently:

here is a shed that's in my mema's backyard. when i was a kid, i used to play in the yard and my papaw would working in that shed and using his power tools - i thought he was such a badass. and he totally was.

we all know and love her.

here's a picture my mom took of me playing tennis this morning. i
am not so good, but i got better after awhile. (i had to practice before brady got there)

i took this from the balcony of our condo. we have a view of the golf course and my dad played today while my mom and i hung out. he called us when he got to our balcony and we watched him play this hole.

and here is my mother reading a magazine (unaware that i was about to capture her) and probably not happy about this picture. i just thought it was funny.
so get ready for a more fun-filled photo friendly laura blog.
i miss you all severely. love/namaste.
cutie pie sweet loml of mine, im so glad youre hing fun! i miss our daily convos but im so excited that you get a well deserved break before you start your badawesoem career! i cannot wait to start using your fossil dicount. as soon as you know what it is let me know bc im obsessed with w cute thier stuff is. AND you are going to be a part of it! cant you believe it? you are going to be a DANG GREAT part of it too.
im proud of you little baby girl laura dee. xoxo have fun! playtime is soooo much fun (i'm a guilty participator myself, but your camera is way cooler!) i hope you are having a relaxing time before graduation and the job kicks in...tell the fam and brady boy hi! love you loml...muah!
Looks like you are having a wonderful time! Enjoy your break!
love of my life. willow misses his sis so so much. and i just had a brilliant idea whilest making my 32940235th annual summer reading list. Lets make another blog dedicated to ooouurrr lil book club and we can be worldly and discuss our books and things that are happening... all the while keeping in touch and im sure making each other laugh. yes, another thing for us to check...our book club blog! and whence we finish the book, it is time to see each other and have a book wrap party, complete with champagne and hugs. we can do this until we are old and the internet is a thing of the past....
think of how pretty we could make our blog... and we can link them to other blogs...and soon and soooon maybe people will read our brilliant comments.... alright im ahead of myself.
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