poor bos got sick. she's been up in the night with tummy problems and hasn't eaten food in a while. today she was acting very lethargic, so my dad popped into my apartment after lunch to check on her. he ended up taking her to the vet who discovered that she had a fever from some sort of virus. she got a shot and some meds and my dad says she's already prancing around their house. i shall have to pick her up soon. i don't like sleeping without her :(
she's a little doo-doo bird, as my boss likes to say. quite literally, this weekend she rolled around in something that was either excrement or dead - needless to say, she stank. here's my mom and me giving her a little puppy shower:

my little (or, not-so-little anymore) cousin, Emily, is in town for the week visiting from florida. she's 14: likes boys, the twilight series, and texting. so pretty much she's just like me, only 9 years younger ;) i got to bring her to the village on sunday night and she and my dad came and ate lunch with me today. i got to show her my godawful cubicle and a little around fossil town :) it's been nice hanging around with her, she's so sweet. we're all getting mani/pedis on saturday, so that will be loads of fun!
speaking of my godawful cubicle... these last 2 weeks have been downright insane. there's just always something to be done or a meeting to go to or an email to send. despite my cubicle being horrendous and my days being busy, i'm really lucky to have some great coworkers - friends - to hang around. it's completely understood that i think KH is the bomb - roommate, duh. then there's christy and i having our singing sessions throughout the day and constantly laughing. jen will come over and do a silly dance in our cube and have a chat (mostly about rob pattinson) :) and tara is such a great person to talk to, so insightful. our little 6-pack cube is pretty sweet...and we can always count on amber to pop some corn to share! aimee is absolutely wonderful too - she brought her daughter, piper, in for a bit at the end of the day while she had to finish up some things. the most precious little 3 year old ever! so beautiful, looks just like her mommy :)
kissy face.
i am in love with toy camera.
okay that little Piper is so freaking CUTE! you need a cute little mini me like that. so you can dress her up all cool and what not.
i love the new blog design. youre so cute.
ps youre mom is he sweetest EVER!
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