goings-on in october...
last weekend i was able to get a little R&R at my folks' house. they were in portland for a wedding (one of my childhood friends, i was sad i didn't get to go...but i think a wedding would have sent me over the edge). it was really nice to lay around with my puppies and do nothing. i needed it bigtime. the past few weeks, i've been suffering from a bit of stess cardiomyopathy. if you don't know what that is, google it. maybe i'm being dramatic...but i really can't help it. if you've seen me in the last week, you know i'm not joking.

we saw this little precious and immediately fell in love.
she had been picked up about 2 weeks prior to this adoption day and was found in the woods. this baby had been living on her own in the wild...can you imagine? she was all skin and bones and fur, totally emaciated. it wasn't a hard decision for us, she was unloved...and we had just enough to go around. she's doing great now, on some medications and getting along well with our other dogs :) we love her very much.

i was so excited when i got to make a little visit to see this niece of mine when i was in austin for ACL. she is a bundle of love and i'm crazy about her. dani is a beautiful mother and i absolutely can't wait to see them again.

i could go into detail about the ACL aspect of the weekend, but it will turn into a rant that would leave you to believe that i was miserable. i was, but i wasn't ungrateful for the experience. i got to see whitney AND ivy, which are rare occurrences. ivy and troy were in town for her brother's 21st birthday. on saturday we all stayed in a hotel suite together...have you ever slept in a king sized bed with your best friend and her husband? i have.

our new condo is FANTASTIC. we seriously love it.
hopefully we'll have it up-and-running in the next week or two.
so that's pretty much it for my life recently.
not pictured noteworthy tidbits: gym membership at 24hour fitness. going strong...worked out 3 days/week for the last 2 weeks. i've done yoga (in love with it), a step class (not so in love with that) and a lifting class (which burned me from the inside, in a good way). CC and i have been working out together, which is so nice. having a partner makes it easier and more motivating. i'm trying out cycling on saturday so we'll see how that goes. i've also cut out chocolate and alcohol from my diet. i'm going to get my life together. mark my words. oh, and my friends are the best. so completely wonderful... i'd still be curled up on my bed-with-no-sheets lying in a pool of my own snot and tears if it weren't for them. so, thanks friendlies.
awww I love your new addition!! that's so great of you and your family to take her in!
oh penny lane is adorable!!!
ava james is goregous!
i miss you sweet thing!
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