i realize that my last post was pretty dramatic, so i need to follow up with a subject that i'm equally passionate about: my dogif you know me even the slightest bit you know that i'm obsessed with my dog (see above, my work computer). i love her so much i cry sometimes and whisper to her, "i hope you live until i'm 97 and we die at the same time." i even talk to her in a strange voice i can't control. boston is more than my pet, she is part of my identity...and my life has never been the same since that blissful day in august that dani and i brought home our little brother & sister bundles. i've been bossie's mama for over 2 years now and i can honestly say that my life would suck without her (yes, i just watched the glee finale for the 3rd time).
but one thing i just want to get off my chest is that breedism hurts. if you have judged another person for the type of dog they own, you are a breedist. if you look at boston's and my family photos and immediately think, "ugh, that dog is rat" you are a breedist. and this offends me.
i'm mainly speaking to the people who think that if a dog isn't a lab or a golden retriever, or any other large hunting dog for that matter...it's not a real dog. you know, the dudes who act all smug about small "girly" dogs. well listen up, pal: i'm tired of feeling like i need to defend my choice of canine to you, because i don't. do you know how many times someone's asked me what kind of dog i have and upon saying, "chihuahua," this person (usually an arrogant know-it-all dude) goes, "oooooh. you're one of thooooose girls. ahahahaha!" excuse me. but since when does owning a chihuahua make girls ditzy hobags who run around in heels and mini skirts wearing matching rhinestone necklaces with their furry best friends who are probably named 'nikki' or some crap? paris hilton: she is to blame.
do i like big dogs? absolutely! do i hope to have a huge awesome dog someday and name him bogart after the famous humphrey? for shiz! am i mature enough to know that owning a dog that outweighs me and attempting to offer it a full and happy life in a small condo with no backyard is irresponsible, or dare i say, reckless? you betcha.one last question: can you conveniently zip up your border collie in the front of your puffy vest and bring her shopping with you so you don't get lonely and stressed during the holiday rush at a busy mall? prob not, bra. not that you'd want to. you're too badass for that.
what i'm saying is, just because my dog has a semi-high-pitched bark and won't go dove hunting with you doesn't mean she's a waste of space. she is always there for me when i need her and she is the cutest freaking thing on this earth, not to mention, incredibly photogenic (LOL!). and she is not, i repeat NOT, a rat.
if you own a big (or popular) breed of dog, i think that is great! i'll probably want to come over to your house and play fetch with it and hug it like a person. i'm not accusing anyone of breedism (cough, cvh), i just want to put this message out into the great cyber universe and speak up for those who can't speak in a human language. and speak for myself 'cause i'm tired of this crap. every dog deserves to be loved and respected... i shouldn't have to say, "no, no, it's not like that...she's actually really cool!!" 5 minutes after i meet a new person and reveal my life story to them. you know?
and while i don't consider myself a cat person only because they make me sneeze my face off - they most definitely make lovely companions too. i think cats are mad-cool, furreals (pun intended!).
oh! and i just realized after writing this post that ivy is getting a little chi of her own - and i can't wait to meet little pepper ruths!
ps. i promise that my next post will neither involve my hopelessly pathetic obsession with song lyrics or be a rant about a made-up social issue derived by the rude comments i get from guys.
willow is my best friend as well, he is always good to me no matter what and few people can say they have that in their life. he knows when im sad and need to cuddle he licks mine AND ava's tears when we are upset, what boy has ever been that much of a man!
I feel the exact same way about my dog... I actually cry when I think about the day I have to live without her. Jer and I have said she is going to die on the same exact day as us and we're all going to be buried in the same casket. Ummmm, hello?? I'm a crazy.
I so love reading your blogs. I laugh out loud alone in my room. :)
haaahaha this is awesome! i read it once then had to read it out loud to troy and laugh some more. youre hilarious bf. hip-lair-ee-OUS!
i loveeee you!
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