Wednesday, March 12, 2008

more on fossil.

another contact from fossil called me today to tell me that since i am not available to start immediately, she's not able to hold the job for me. however, she told me to contact her when i have a week left in my internship (she said that there will most likely be a job opening then, too). 

reasons why i will not be discouraged by this: 

1. worrying is making me ugly.
2. constantly thinking about desperately nailing down a job/apartment/new life is making time go by slower. and that's NOT what i need right now.
3. if i accept a job offer now, what if a better one comes along that i have to turn down (i.e. the first job i interviewed for becomes available)? i'd be mighty sick about that.

i will find a job. there is no use sitting around wondering what it's gonna be. i don't have a frickin crystal ball. i just got hope. and that's all i need. 

ps. brady is talking more and more about moving up here. he's pretty sure he will once i settle into a real job. this is very good news.

i miss you all very much. i want you to know that i think of you often, i have fond memories sporadically floating through my head involving all you girls which make my days a little less dreary. thanks for that. love/miss.


Shivonne said...

oh l*dee i think you've got the right idea going...i've been thinking a lot about worrying about the future and stressing and all that lately and i've come to the conclusion that it is pointless and no bueno. do what you can that is in your power and then give it up to God-there is no better place for it. when i'm feeling really stressed/worried/confused/upset i just repeat the serenity prayer over and over and it helps to bring a sense of peace. anywho, i just want to let you know how proud/excited i am to find out what the future hold for you. you might not have crystal ball, but mine says you're going to be fabulous. and look at that, it's already come true!

Ivy said...

shivones comment made me smile. i miss her, don't you?

you are such a rockstar laura. im proud of you.

thanks for being my inspiration