Thursday, November 5, 2009

cut them corners

i recently got a membership to 24 hour fitness. this is a huge step/commitment/undertaking for me because 1. i haven't worked out on a regular basis since i was in high school and in the best shape of my life, 2. when i start something, i rarely see it out to the end...i usually get SUPER into it at first, buy a ton of accessories (crap) to accompany my new obsession, and drop it once i realize that i'm just mediocre at it. and 3. i'm always complaining how busy i am, so fitting in a workout routine into my melodramatic life seems like trying to fit another necklace on my adorable fabric-covered cork board (shameless DiY plug).

plus, i'm a corner cutter when it comes to working out, which has resulted in an abnormally weak core (people are always talking about "strengthening your core"...psh), shotty joints (because i rest on them when i get tired...all. the. time.), and a body that is basically made up of bones with a layer of skin over them and a butt that looks like it's filled to the brim with a substance that can only be described as "fluid". i'm telling you, in HS, i perfected the fake run...which is basically a walking march with flailing shoulders. i once tried to workout with FBF* when he was doing this "belly-off" thing and i barely made it through the warm-up. not endearing. i also have a bad back, which i excuse for my poor form in exercises targeting glutes and quads...but then i think to myself, is my bad back a result of said poor form? chicken or the egg?! i don't know.

so anyway, CC and i have been hitting up the classes at 24 hour. we like the yoga at preston center on tuesdays, the instructor is legit. she has a really calming voice and uses phrases like "heart space" and "push away the negative energy," so we know we're getting our money's worth. on wednesdays we do the 24Lift class at royal, which is a total body "lean muscle building" workout where you use a barbell, dumbells, a step and a mat...purty intense, my friends. this is a tough class for me, which i make visibly obvious throughout the duration of the hour by my strained facial expressions and whispering the syllable "shiiii" after each set (according to CC)...which usually causes both of us to crack up and get a simultaneous ab workout. the step class at the location right by work is out of the question...we spent 30 minutes hopping around like a couple of apes trying to keep up with all the MILFs in bebe workout gear and then gave up.

i'm hoping that by at least sticking with these 2 classes, i'll cut corners less and less. although it will take me longer than the average 23*-year old to get back in shape, i'll get there...sacrificing my lower back and joints in the process. c'est la vie.

you may be asking, "hey, what happened to lyric week?"
well...i'll tell you: posting hanson lyrics, i realize now, makes me look like i'm either trying super hard to show my artistic-ness or that i'm trying to get a boyfriend (because i'm obviously single if i'm posting that nonesense). especially because my next 2 picks were if only and fire on the mountain. i'll let you check those out for yourself...but you probably won't. i just like 'em, especially the former...


*FBF - former boyfriend.
*i'm going to be 24 in a WEEK, boomshackalacka.


Jenn said...

You can do it! I used to be hard core in shape work out queen, havent for years.. Just got back into it and loving it! I am also one to cut corners! Just push yourself

austin said...

Quoting song lyrics on a blog is only okay if you're willing to accept that you have nothing better to say - in which case, i'll just stop reading your blog.