the first annual Friendsgiving was this past Sunday. my dear friend liz invented this lovely occasion so that we could share this special holiday with those who are near to our hearts. she did an amazing job planning the whole event, made place settings and even cooked the TURKEY. i just adore her, she's the kind of person that will always be one of your bestest friends. (thanks for a fabulous evening, lizzie!)
we had a crazy-delicious spread. SO. MUCH. FOOD. the lovely LC hosted the gathering for our party of 7 plus 2 baby girls. dani was able to make the trip all the way from new braunfels...ava's first vacation! i had the pleasure of having these two at my condo for a few days. we played house :) and it was lovely.

LC and her precious Liv

mamas and bff babies

love them. how beautiful are these two?

they are besties already, Liv and Ava grabbed each others' hand and held on tight!
no, it wasn't staged.

me and Liz, the Friendsgiving guru and all-around wonderful lady.
i'm so excited about having
2 Thanksgivings. i'll be going to arlington tonight to spend the day with my parents and grandma tomorrow. we always have a really small Thanksgiving with just the 4 of us. it's not a Thanksgiving like those crazy holiday movies with tons of people and food and noise, but it's
ours. the ratio of people to dogs is 1:1 and that's how we like it. i'll be sitting in a big green recliner with dogs piled on me, listening to battle studies (and other mellowness) and reading a book (i went to half price books yesterday and went a bit nuts, i used a giftcard that
ivy gave me for my bday. she knows going there is like therapy). my dad and grandma will be on the couch watching the golf channel. mom will be in the other green recliner with other dogs. it's home.
thank you.
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