man oh man, i love thanksgiving. i could go on and tell you all the sentimental reasons why it really is the best, love, giving thanks, etc. but that's what you expect from me. well i'm not gonna do it because if you know me well enough, you know that i am a sentimental, emotional person in my heart so put away your tissues, this won't be a sappy post.
i think thanksgiving is a great holiday because you don't have to give people presents or cards. there's no uncomfortable...'well...she gave me a card last year and i don't want to not give something errr, i don't know, frick, i'll just give everyone a pair of sunglasses!!' TG isn't about that, no. the awkwardness is left back at your last card-giving event. you can get by with making a sentimental speech or saying an especially heartfelt prayer at dinner or even afterward while you're all laying around in a glutenous stupor. oh how i love it so.
this year, the dudney family celebrated this blessed holiday with 4 people and 4 canines. that's right, a dog for every person. grandma brought TJ over (her shit-zoo) and since the addition of penny to our family, there's a dog for every human who wants one on their lap.

at any given time, you will find these two fused together in this very position...whether my mom is cooking, sitting, riding in the car, or even on a "walk".

can you believe that it's christmastime already? i sure can't. you know how i know that the seasons are a-turnin'? the billboard right outside the turn-in to our condo was changed from the scared-looking powerade dude to santa. coke santa, that is. ho ho ho!

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