although ivy has been married for over a week now, i am going to write a little post about her bachelorette weekend. it went as follows:
friday night, we roll into town and begin the festivities at trisha's condo. michael jackson is dead and we are sad. but we're reunited, so we're happy too! at this point, it is ivy, haley, whit, trisha (april for a bit), and me. we have a little champagne and the crew walks to this awesome little house-turned-bar. we had some beers and played ping pong, hula hooped and monopolized the juke box. a little later, a guy comes over to our table with a flyer for a michael jackson tribute event. we all look at each other and know what we have to do: call a cab and go.
we arrive in east austin (shady) at a warehouse that has MJ videos being projected on a huge white wall. they only serve tecate and patron.
we dance.
after we exit the warehouse, we realize that we are in east austin. we must get a cab and we must get it fast because shady dudes are approaching us. trisha is yelling, "DON'T MAKE EYE CONTACT!" as 2 guys are headed toward us saying inappropriate things. suddenly, a cab comes screeching around the corner in front of us and we all jump in quickly and yell, "DRIVE."
we go home and sleep very well.
saturday, we wake up and the entire entourage meet up at austin's pizza on the drag. there's about 15 of us. we give ivy her photo scavenger hung list and begin the quest...
that evening, we have her lingerie shower and troy gets tons of cute (i mean sexy) stuff. for each item she received, we came up with a corresponding dessert... so when troy orders strawberry shortcake, he's gonna GET strawberry shortcake (if you know what i mean)
we had reservations at cuba libre for dinner, where we ate some fantastic tapas and drank some martinis. super chic. ivy and i were giggly by the end of dinner.
afterwards, we visited our old friend: 6th street. he greeted us with open arms and we hit up all some of our old spots and some new ones too. we watched this cover band at speakeasy called The Space Rockers - middle aged dudes in spandex jumpsuits and helmets singing 80's and early 90's classics. we stayed there for a while.
of course, we hit up blind pig.
then over to cheers for some special shotties. april insisted that we all had orgasm (shots) and ivy needed a blow job shot:

we wrapped up the weekend with brunch at taverna. it was SO great to hang with all the girls, celebrate ivy's final days of debauchery...and the facebook photos are pretty sweet.
plus, we get to reunite for the WEDDING!
YOU are the awesomest ever. im so glad im back now and can read all these updates and talk to you every dayyyyyy
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