words truly can NOT describe the events that took place between August 4-9, 2009...but i'm going to try. here goes.
i left work on tuesday (8/4) and arrive at ivy's house around 10PM to be greeted by a tidal wave of excitement that is shivonne glenn and ivy ikpeme (then). we hug it out and are very happy because i haven't seen shivonne since...oh...DECEMBER 08. can't be mad at her though, she's been in the outback :)
wedensday consists of picking up the wedding dress (!!!) she inspects it, loves it, and we take it home. it looks like a dead body in a pink tarp.

that, they are pouring, is some really nice tequila. we have margaritas during the shower (tequila is added to the cup)...but little did everyone know...the punch was already spiked (sandra later told me). ivy got some awesome gifts from many people who adore her.
we finished up the shower with a few rounds of tequila shots and we are feeling good.
then it's bbq time at the ikpeme's. ivy's been talking up troy's friends for months (seriously, months) and we are stoked. but apparently not all of them arrive until friday. we become sad.
but...we learn some salsa and meringue moves and have tons of fun with the girls and ivy's family. it's so nice to be together again.
the tequila in the punch is quite a niiiiiiiice touch.
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