back when i lived alone, i used to go to bed fairly early and wake up around 6:30 (which is remarkable because i don't leave for work until 8:15 and it takes me 20 minutes to get ready). i'd get up, make some coffee, read a bit, reflect, walk boston and just get the morning started off with myself. it put me in a happy mood and i generally had better days because of it.
well, now all that has changed. i actually have more than 2 friends in dallas(!) and therefore more plans. i am not able to control my sleeping patters, so i revert back to my natural night owl/groggy morning person tendencies. but this week, i've managed to get up before 6:30 2 out of the 5 days this week. it's been beautiful. this morning i was woken up by a lovely thunderstorm around 5:30. bos and i laid in the bed and snuggled until i started the day around 6. magic. my new goal is to try and get up early enough to at least have a half hour to myself every morning before work (not including get-ready time). we'll see how i do...
something else i have noticed about myself recently is the fact that i am not the same person i was in high fact...i'm quite the opposite. i'm sure this happens to a lot of people, but i'm just now noticing specifics:
- athleticism: all i DID was play sports/work out in high school it seems. volleyball, softball & golf were my extracurricular activities as well as my free time hobbies. now, i work out once in a blue moon (and drink more of those), and i am usually more sore than i am hungover after nights out because of dancing. this is pathetic. what's worse? i'm "trying out" for the fossil kickball team for corporate challenge. my good friend austin is the captain...and i'm probably cutsies. no lie, i will most likely be cut from kickball. i am just not as hardcore as i used to be.
- learning: i was a great student in high school, but it was always because i felt like i HAD to be...not because i wanted to be. i basically did what i needed to do to get out of there and what i learned didn't really make an impact on me because i didn't care for it to. i enjoyed science alright...i wanted to be a DOCTOR (a gyno for that matter. can you imagine, ME, in medical school? hell to the NO). but i don't feel like there was a lot of passion for me there. now, i feel like i'm a sponge. there are so many things i want to learn, read, experience. i enjoy learning things because they are interesting to me, not because i will be tested on it later. one regret i have is not reading more in high school (and even college) and turning to cliffs notes to get by. MISTAKE. i really should have appreciated it more i do now.
- taste buds...things i hated in HS that now i love: sushi, honey mustard (and many other condiments), coffee, jalapenos (that are stuffed), meatloaf, soups, cottage cheese, diet coke...the list goes on.
everyone changes. i think it's pretty important to recognize ways that you've evolved as a person over the course of you're life. and just think, in 5 years, you'll be different than you are today! that's kind of exciting :)
one last thing...i got this new app on my iphone called colorsplash - you can make your photos black and white, but leave parts of it in color. it's really cool and very addicting. here are some i think are cute:

sleeping in the car with her pink collar on

kristy and i in london

my pup with her tongue out.
youre so cute. im so glad were best friends. i agree with pretty much everything you said. i am very different than i was in hs AND i am dying to have some morning love me time. i hate being all rushed and flustered every morning. i am going to jump on the bandwagon and try to do what you are doing! i love you!
i love reading your posts laura-i think i get all reflective from your influence. totally agree about changing. i've been thinking about growing and evolving as a person lately and after having a heart to heart with an uncle i had a bit of a revelation: i'm changing. a lot. all the time. it kinda took me by surprise. i took for granted all the change from high school to college and what not but i think i've changed more since graduating than at any other time. i'm just lucky to have friends who want to stick around to see the constantly new me. love you!
I would love to have morning time for me as well! I wonder how early I will have to get up to do that once I start having to be at work at 7!! EEK, maybe I need to focus on morning time on my non work days!
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